Monday, March 5, 2018

Updated: March 03, 2017

Updated: Mar 16, 2017

See assignment sidebar or page on the dropdown menu for updates!

Allegory - A story where almost every detail (depending on the quality of the allegory) will represent a metaphor for interpretation


Lord of the Flies Vocabulary

Format for Chapter Responses LOTF:

  1. Choose a topic: Theme, Character (Character development = how has the character changed), Plot, Setting, Symbolism (Really, you can discuss the development of any of these as they change throughout the novel).
  2. Provide a short quote and page number.
  3. Discuss, analyze, or compare and contrast some aspect of your topic as it relates to your quote.
  4. Keep it short, sweet and concise (to the point). 
Lets create a picture in canva or the like, and keep track of what topics you've discussed.

There are Five topics, so we will try to have a post done for your choice of every other chapter.

Here is an example of the image we might use to keep track of our discussion:

Simply add checks and re-upload the image at the bottom of your post.