Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Away with 2016

   2016 has had many up's and down's, and has had many rough and smooth patches. Many people have said that 2016 was their worst year. But I feel this is based on personal opinion. I personally have a mixed feeling on 2016. There were many times that I wasn't sure if I would make it through the year. But in the end, I feel that I came out stronger.

    2016 was the year that I feel really shaped me for the rest of my life. It was the year that I realized who my friend really were, and who I could depend on. It was the year I threw out the struggle of my image. I no longer care what others think of me, because I have no one to please but myself. I threw away all the memories of times were I was in pain. I've moved on from those things. I am free from these burdens, and no longer am I held down by chains.

     The previous year brought many good things too. Many films came out over the year, that were very exciting to see. Disney has made great progress with Star Wars in my opinion. Many actors/actresses, who portrayed many of my favorite characters, have unfortunately past away this past year. But they will be remembered, and left many great works for there families to be proud of.

     Last of all 2016 was the year that my two largest skills increased the most. My skilled as a Musician have extended to things past being just a drummer. I can now play piano and other key oriented instruments, as well as read music and notes. My skills as an inspiring pilot have also increases. These skills will hopefully increase further in the current year.

     I am leaving 2016 behind, but I am thankful for many of the things I have learned through out it.
Things like the true meaning on friendship, the life that exists beyond the pages of music, and what the taste of flight feels like. I bid 2016 well, and greet 2017 with a smile.

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