Friday, September 23, 2016

              Did George do the right thing by killing Lennie?

                                                                                       By: Brooklyn Ashley & Abblique Bradford


Was Lennie a bad guy?

I don't believe that Lennie was a bad guy. He honestly didn't know what he was doing. He had the mind of a child and the strength of a bull. He didn't understand that some of the things he was did was bad and he didn't know how strong he was.

What were some of the bad things Lennie did?

First he pet the back of a girls dress because it was soft. Then he killed innocent animals like mice by petting them too hard. After that, he crushed Curley's hands but only because he was beating him up and George told him too. Then Lennie was talking to Curley's lonely, mistreated wife and she told him to feel how soft her hair is. Lennie wouldn't stop petting her hair and started to hurt her. Lennie freaked her out and she started to scream, it made Lennie freak out and he accidentally broke her neck and killed her.

Why did he kill Lennie and how did he do it?

George killed Lennie because Lennie killed Curley's wife on accident. Curley and a lot of other guys from the ranch were on a hunt to find Lennie and to kill him, but George got to him first. George didn't want Curley and the guys on the ranch to torture Lennie or anything, so George told Lennie his favorite story and made him look out into the distance and George shot him in the head. I think George did the right thing by killing him because he was happy and didn't feel anything when George killed him.

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