Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Power of a Woman

By: Madison Surface

Who is more dominate, a man or a woman? In Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, Curley's wife seems to be the top dog, the person in charge, the one everyone feared. No one wanted to be around her for the fear of her husband.

Curley's wife forced herself on the men. She thrived for their attention, and she could never could get enough of it.

Curley's wife was an intimidation. She wanted her chance in the spotlight and she knew it wasn't going to happen. She used the men as her audience. She pampered herself everyday for her show. She wanted to dazzle them, but they didn't care. They weren't fans.

Curley's wife took control over Crooks. She was terrible to him. She spoke to him as if he were dirt. She knew above anybody else, she could control Crooks. She believed she owned him. If Crooks would've disrespected her, he would've faced harsh consequences.

Although Curley's wife had a lot of power, I think she might have been scared the most. I believe she feared her husband more than anyone else. She always held her own, but at the end of the day, she was just scared and dreamed of a safer place with a loving husband.

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