Monday, February 27, 2017

LOTF Ch.1 & 2 Response: Setting

"They had guessed before that this was an island: clambering among the pink rocks, with the sea on either side, and the crystal height of air, they had know by some instinct that the sea lay on every side. But there seemed something more fitting in leaving the last word till they had stood on the top, and could see a circular horizon of water."

Lord of the Flies is undeniably an allegory and in that allegory the island that they boys crash on represents Earth. The story begins and ends on the island as does every humans save for a few astronauts and cosmonauts. The characters arcs take place in the setting and are shaped by it. The jungle offers threats such as "the beastie" and the creepers and beach is their new home. The boys are nurtured by nature.

They are shaped by their new hostile and unforgiving environment.Their hair changes color in the sun and they're sin is devastated by sunburns. They no longer dress like school and choir boys. Reduced to their undergarments, they have all but left that aspect of civilized life behind.The island turns them from good little boys to savage killers in the course of a few months.

They boys could sustain themselves on the resources both it and the ocean provide but are not mature enough to successfully do so.

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