Friday, February 24, 2017

Quote from Lord of the Flies ( Pg. 8 )

The fat boy looked startled.
"There was that pilot. But he wasn't in the passenger cabin, he was up in front."
The fair boy was peering at the reef through screwed-up eyes.
"All them kids," the fat boy went on. "Some of them must have got out. They must have, mustn't they?" 
The fair boy began to pick his way as casually as possible toward the water. He tried to be offhand and not too obviously uninterested, but the fat boy hurried after him. ( Pg. 8 )

The reason why I picked this quote was because the "Fat Boy" seemed so interested on where the pilot went because the pilot wasn't nowhere to be found. The other reason why I picked this was because sometimes I miss place things and wonder where I've put my own stuff the other reason why I picked this was because the "Fair Boy" seemed careless and become close to the water and tried acting to be offhand. In the past I have tried acting very careless and also acted like I wasn't  interested but come's to find out I cared about what I done and started acting like I was interested in the thing's.

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