Friday, February 24, 2017

Piggy is scared, but Piggy prioritizes. -Erika Webb 6th 2017

     Piggy is a really cool character if you look deeper into his perspective on things. He has boys all around him celebrating their freedom from grownups, yet he his focused solely on getting off of that island. "Who knows we're here? "The airport knew where we were going but not where we are." Piggy was shaking when he spoke about there circumstances. He was afraid to speak, and he had a valid reason to speak up. Piggy was the only one thinking about how they would survive on the island. He knew no one was coming to rescue them and he was trying to get everyone else to understand that.
      Around 40 boys were on the island that the plane crashed on and Piggy was the only one mature, and smart enough to worry about the future that was in store for every one of them. He worked feverishly to persuade the boys into worrying about rescue. Once they began to take notice they went up the mountain to start a rescue fire for ships to see. When they reached the top they had nothing to start the fire so they robbed Piggy of his glasses. They used the glasses to start the fire and then, because of their foolishness, they lit the entire island on fire. One of the little uns went missing, and Piggy was the only one worried about where he'd went off to. "That little un-" Piggy gasped- " Him with the mark on his face, I don't see him. Where is he now?"
     If the boys would give Piggy a chance, they'd learn to listen and respect him. He's a smart guy and he should be listened to. The boys walk over him and he's too scared to stand up for himself to tell them to stop. Piggy is someone they should look up to. He has valid arguments that deserve to be heard. The guy can prioritize and I think that is what the island needs.

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