Monday, October 31, 2016

6th 2016 Kayla Coffman OMM+The Pearl

Of Mice and Men vs. The Pearl

Honors English 10 Mr. Hollister
Of Mice and Men & The Pearl by John Steinbeck
Comparison of The Pearl & Of Mice and Men

of mice and men.jpg


Of  Mice and Men, and The Pearl are both very eventful and interesting books. There is a lot of things happening in both but they tie in at certain parts. main characters are getting in trouble and trying to fix the problem themselves or,  trying to avoid fixing it in fear of making it worse. The plots are pretty interesting and the main characters may present themselves as the innocent people. These people may not mean to do what they do or just don’t realize they are doing it.


The Pearl

Kino is the main character in The Pearl, it starts off saying what a beautiful morning  it is. But then it gets bad, two minutes after it talks about the beautiful morning there is already trouble. Kino’s son who keeps coming up repetitively in every chapter is in danger. Coyotito is a baby, his name rhymes with coyote. He is almost always in danger during the whole book.  Kino doesn’t realize it is his fault because he thinks he is doing what is best for his family.

Of Mice and Men

Lennie is the main character in Of Mice and Men, Lennie is the main antagonist in this book as well. George is Lennie’s best friend after his aunt Clara died. George and Lennie travel together and they work together on a farm. Lennie is the muscle and George is the brains of the operation.


The Pearl

The town in The pearl is the main place everyone is at. The doctor, the priest, the townspeople, the beggars, everyone lives here. Kino and his family along with their little community live just outside the town in little thatch houses with thin walls. The people who live in the town are mostly the pearl buyers and the rich people. Kino and all the fishermen live outside of town because they aren’t necessarily good enough in some people’s standards.

Of Mice and Men

The bunkhouse in Of Mice and Men is one of at least five main settings in the book. Everything happens in the bunkhouse Lennie gets in a fight and George plays cards with everyone. Curly comes in looking for his wife a couple times and then she comes in looking for him. Candy meets Lennie and George in the bunkhouse and plays cards with them. Everyone lives in the bunkhouse besides the Boss, Curly, Curly’s Wife, and Crooks. They live in houses away from the bunkhouse and the barn.


The Pearl

Coyotes in The Pearl are big symbols because the baby's name is Coyotito. While Kino, Juana, and Coyotito are running away from the bounty hunters. When Coyotito cries one bounty hunter thinks he is a coyote pup crying for its mother. While, taking a break Kino and Juana hear a coyote howl in the distance.

Of Mice and Men

Hands in Of Mice and Men are big symbols throughout the whole book. When George and Lennie get to the bunkhouse and get acquainted curly comes in and has a glove on his hand filled with vaseline. Candy is missing a hand from his wrist to his fingertips. Lennie has strong big hands while George has small weak hands.


The Pearl

In The Pearl greed and fate are the themes that I mostly recognized and saw. The people of the town were greedy and wanted Kino’s pearl for themselves. They didn’t care how many people got hurt trying to get it from him either. Kino wanted a better price for his pearl so he could make sure his son got a good education. Kino wanted a rifle, and he wanted a wedding for his wife because they didn't get to have one. He wants to be able to provide for his family and give them what they want but he is greedy when he wants all of this stuff for his family.

Of Mice and Men

In Of Mice and Men, strength is a big theme, everyone is talking about their own strengths and weaknesses. Lennie is very strong he can toss a bag of barley over his head. Slim is a strong figure in everyone's eyes he is a strong leader. Curly is strong he wrestles as a profession. The boss is a strong figurehead because he runs the farm. George can’t be considered strong physically because he is smart so he is strong mentally. Crooks isn't strong because his back is hurt.


The Pearl

In The Pearl the plot is a little hard to find, but you can find one. The plot is If something comes to you too easy it might not be good for you. Kino finds a pearl he really just happens to see it he doesn’t work hard to find it at all. After he finds the pearl things start to go upside down, he starts getting aggressive, people start attacking him. His family is afraid he ends up killing people because they are coming after him for his pearl. Juana, Kino’s wife, recognizes that things are happening because of the pearl that he has found and keeps telling him. She keeps telling him that it's bad and evil things will happen but he doesn't listen.

Of Mice and Men

In Of Mice and Men the plot is a lot easier to find it fairly presents itself in the second and third chapter. The plot is, objects you might like or people you might like may not always like or appreciate you back. Lennie likes soft things, curly likes his wife, George likes to solve problems. People like a lot of things but that doesn’t always mean we will necessarily be happy or that the people we like will like us back. People use their own preferences like when Carlson shot Candy’s dog because the smell was bad and he didn’t like smelling it and seeing it suffer. Candy’s dog could have lived several more years if he was taken good care of but no Carlson had to get what he wanted. People want things they like or want to see happening and if it doesn't happen how they want it to happen they get upset. When things do happen and other people get upset because it happened the people who wanted it to be that way don't care because they like it. It's a vicious cycle that goes on and on and no one can stop what is happening.

comparison of The Pearl and Of Mice and Men

6th 2016 OMM & The Pearl

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Honors english 10 Mr. Hollister
Of Mice & Men & The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Image result for of mice and men vs the pearl                            Image result for the pearl


I will be telling you about two books by John Steinbeck and how his stories relate to one another. They will make you really think about life decisions and why things happen the way they do in life.


Both were placed in the 1900s. It took place between 1929-39 so it was during the great depression.

Of mice and men

The setting in mice and men was in the 1930’s in Salinas California.

The Pearl

The village by the sea, the sea, and the piaster city was settings in the pearl.


These characters had a lot of similarities. George and Kino were both very courageous men and always stuck to their word. They both had a job to watch out for people and keep them safe.

Of mice and men

Lennie, George, and Candy were three main characters. Lennie was mentally ill. He was very slow and only had a memory of his aunt Clara. George was a great man who always helped Lennie. He grew up with Lennie so he knows all about him. Lennie’s aunt told George before she died to always watch and take care of Lennie. Candy was a man that worked on the ranch. He was George and Lennie’s first friend.

The pearl

Kino, Juana, and the doctor was three main characters. Kino was a very independent man who had a wife named Juana and a baby named Coyotito. The doctor was a rich man who layed in bed all day and ate chocolate.


They both had a life lesson to them. George had to be brave about killing Lennie knowing is was best for him even though it did not feel right. Kino had to be brave to put is family in danger even though it lost him a child, but was free. They had to learn that sometimes the wrong thing actually turns out to be the right thing.

Of mice and men

Learning a lesson is part of the theme, commitment, and loneliness. I honestly think commitment was the major one, because George never let Lennie down he stayed committed to him and always helped him the best he could.

The Pearl

God’s plan and fate was two settings of The Pearl. Fate was the one that i think mostly stood out, because they really struggled to stay alive and to be safe and also lost a child in the process.


The symbols match between these two books, because they both have good and evil. Kino had to do some things he did not want to do and so did George. George seen the good in Lennie that no ones else did, but he also knew what bad things he could do (the evil inside of him)

Of mice and men

The dream of the farm was a symbol, because it was a peaceful place for George and Lennie both. It took them away from reality.

The pearl

Symbols were the scorpion which meant pure evil.
Another one was Kino’s canoe.


Of mice and men

We find out Lennie likes to touch soft things and George found a dead rat in Lennie’s pocket Lennie says she likes to pet it but George does not agree and throws it away.
They get to the ranch and talk to the boss about work George tells Lennie that he is not to speak and to let him speak for him.
George thanks Slim for Lennie's new puppy. Slim asks the question that's on everyone's mind, wanting to know why a "cuckoo" like Lennie and a "smart little guy" like George are traveling around together.

The pearl

The community reaction to the pearl as social commentary of the ruling class for abuse or even greed.
Kino and Juana do not face easy things with regard to their newfound fortune, and in fact the might be in danger.
Kino and Juana take the baby and the pearl into the wilderness in an attempt to make it to the city to avoid being chased and sell the pearl.


Both of these books had sad endings. Both main characters lost a person that they were attached to and loved very much. Although at the same time they got freedom. George could finally build his life the way he wanted without worrying about Lennie. Kino lost his child, but he became free and still had his wife. So sometimes the bad things end up becoming the good things.

Of mice and men

To me this book meant comprehension. If you think of everything that has happened it really all adds up. George always took care of Lennie and never let him down. He always took up for Lennie and did everything he could for him.                                            

The pearl

This book had a lot of courage. It took courage for Kino to find the pearl and for him to be as brave as he was to travel as long as he did fight off all those people. Him as an individual is a very courageous man who seems he would do anything he can to keep his family safe.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Brooke Payne
6th period
The Pearl

 This quote is saying that every man and woman has the same God that they worship.

 I feel like this is also saying no matter how dark the world seems to become you should always stay faithful and never have a negative thought.

 This is kinda like a team of some sort. If one fails the other players help and support them.

Image result for failure to prioritize achievement
The world is always going to be a nasty place. People are going to do so many bad things purposely. Than you have the people that makes mistakes accidentally. You have people in this world that will try their absolute hardest. Although, you have the ones that will not even care and make everything a battle. You will have people that want to save it, than the ones who want to destroy it.

 "The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who those who tried to leave their station. And the father made it clear that each man and women is like a solider sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in  danger from the assaults of Hell"

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

People Working Together In "The Pearl "

6TH 2016 K. Ruth

The loss of the pearl was a punishment..."The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell."

Everyone works together
It means that everyone in life has a purpose, regardless of how small their role may seem. We work as a unit to guard the universe and it's people. If one person doesn't do their job, everyone could be in danger.

Every role is equally important
The quote is important to the story, because it shows us the structure of the characters. Each character is equally important to the story, just in different ways. Everyone has a specific role they play, a special job that they must do, or else the whole balance of the book is thrown off. If all of the characters aren't working together to tell the different parts of the story, then the significance is lost.

Trying not to fail their job

A real life example, is the structure of our society. Many different working parts are all attempting to keep us growing and functioning together. We have soldiers, and police officers. We have teachers, and parents. We have doctors, and students. Everyone is living together in different areas and communities, trying to protect each other, and get through each and every day, without failing at their jobs.

The Pearl Quote.

6TH 2016 M. Cortines

Juan Tomás nodded gravely.
He was the elder, and Kino looked to him for wisdom. "It is hard to know," he said. "We do know that we are cheated from birth to the overcharge on our coffins. But we survive.You have defied not the pearl buyers, but the whole structure, the whole way of life, and I am afraid for you."

Cheated till death.
We are all cheated in life, some of more than others. Even when we are dead and gone are we cheated. We're made to pay for a coffin, funeral, and grave, only to be put in the cold wet earth, to rot for eternity. This world is crooked in many ways, including these cheats. Even though we are cheated, to try to defy these cheats breaks the system. It would cause the world to collapse. These cheats are what make the economy work.
Crooked, but needed.
Material things don't matter, because we are only cheated by those who wish to profit from the lesser people, and that as you go on throughout life you will be cheated. Even in death. Kino doesn't care about the pearl itself, he just wants to live a better life. For his child to go to school and know the truth of his people. But even in this is he cheated. We are cheat even in death. But these things can't happen without being cheated. There is no success without struggle.

Image result for grim reaperA great example would be a national funeral, like JFK for example. Yes he was a great person, and we honor him, but imagine the cost. A copper (coffin-maker) Builds these coffins, out of beautiful woods and grains, only to be placed in the dirt, to decompose and never be seen again. We may think this system is bad, but its income. The copper, benefited from the customer, and the woodsman profited from the copper, and the lumberjack from the woodsman. Its a circle, that makes the world turn.

Friday, October 7, 2016

The Deeper Meaning of Kinos quote

 6th period J. Bailey..
The Quote
"The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell."
 Its Story Important

This is   important  in the story  because, now at this point Kino could mess up. Given the fact that he has this potentially  and step out his place and according to the father something  bad will happen to Kino.
 A Real Life Example

Everyone in the universe plays their own special part in the unity of "castle of the universe". Everyone has their own role in the castle and has been placed there by god and if they leave their place something bad will happen. An example of this in real life would if someone who is a farmer who was born into farming and his father and grandfather and so far were also farmers. So his place in the castle is a farmer. And bad things could happen if the farmer tries to do something else.

Finding Your Place in Steinbeck's 'The Pearl'

6th period
Marisa Montgomery
The Pearl Quote

  Your Place in Life:
 "The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell."
Finding Your Place in Real Life:
    Sometimes in life if you try to do something that isn't your job, you might fail because it isn't something you're made to do or it isn't something you're trained to do.
   For example, if a policeman were to do a firefighters job, he wouldn't be as good at it. This is because training to be a fireman never happened for him.
Relying on Others:
   Just like Kino doesn't know how to heal his baby and has to ask the doctor, some of us have to stick to what we know and stay at our 'stand' to prosper.
   It still stands that today a lot of us don't know how to heal ourselves without a doctor, so we must ask for their wisdom. This applies to many situations.
Stick to Your Own Knowledge:
   God made each person to do and be a certain thing, and this quote is saying that if you strayed from your place and what you are meant to be, it might come back to bite you. Not all of us can leave our place and expect to know how to react or what to do in another man's shoes.
Consequences in 'The Pearl':
   The quote is important to the story of 'The Pearl' because it shows how everyone in the book has a purpose and even if that purpose is little, it still exists. Also, back then, it was said that if you leave your place, bad things might happen. It explains that everyone has a place in this world. With Kino, he left his 'stand' and it resulted in the loss of the pearl.
Kino Tries to Sell The Pearl
   Also, another way this quote is important to the book, is that when Kino wanted to sell the pearl, he had to go different people to figure out what the value of his pearl was. This is because he doesn't have the knowledge to identify the value for himself. Because of his lack of knowledge in this certain field, people are trying to cheat and trick him. This is one of the down sides to leaving your place.

John Steinbeck's "The Pearl", The reason they are there

John Steinbeck's "The Pearl" by: Owen Jarvis

  "The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell."
A REAL LIFE EXAMPLE OF THE QUOTE: A real life example of this quote could be in a football game, if a defender doesn't do his job correctly, and the offense scores, then the whole team would be at fault for that one person's mistake. Another example would be a guard on duty at a fort. If that guard leaves his post, even for a minute, and they get attacked, everyone is in trouble.
THE MEANING OF THE QUOTE: This quote means that the people were put on this earth by god to stay put at there post and guard it. If one person doesn't stay loyal to their post, then other people around him, and himself, can also be in jeopardy from that mistake. This can range from people that are kings to people that are slaves to those kings. They are all there because of fate nothing is coincidental.
THE IMPORTANCE OF THE QUOTE: This quote is important to the story because it was Kino's fate to find the pearl and not anyone else's. It is also important to kino's people because it shows that they have a reason for being where they are, that is their position in life. It also shows that even if you are "far deep in the darkness of the walls" like kino's people had been for years, they still had a reason to be pearl diving hardly making it by.

The Pearl Essay

          The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell."

          This quote means that if their punishment is when people leave their position. Meaning they will leave it dangerously open it to the assaults of Hell or dangerous things. Kino was the one meant to find the pearl, and when the guys were trying to steal it from him. They had forgotten about the dangers the pearl can bring to the wrong owner.

        A real life example could be during a football game, when someone doesn't block the other team. The opponents could run through the opening and attack the quarterback. Another example could be like when you purposely take a zero on an assignment, your grade will go down. For both examples meaning that if you don't do what you were told to do, bad things will happen.


The Pearl Quote Essay

6TH 2016The Pearl by John Steinbeck.  Dylan Massey

Quote. The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell."
Who is to say someone is better than you. The quote means that God puts you on this Earth to guard a certain area of this place.  Whether you are guarding the "darkness in the walls" or guarding the so called "better" parts of this world; it does not mean that someones life is necessarily better than yours.  Everyone has the same job from God, and if you leave your place it could mess up the order of things.
To summarize the quote more. The quote means that some things on this Earth are meant to be found by a certain person.  God put them on this Earth to be in that place. 
Human Status. The quote relates to story in the way that Kino was meant to find the pearl by God.  The other people that are trying to steal it were not meant to have the pearl.  Since they are trying to get the pearl; they forget about the dangers that the pearl brings. Juan Tomas warns Kino that the Pearl is taking Kino out of his place that God put him in, and people will not like that too well. 

Kino takes the pearl to the pearl buyers to get an estimate on how much the pearl brings in money. Why does he do this? He does this because he has no knowledge on how much the pearl is worth, but what makes the pearl buyer such an expert on how much the pearl is worth? People think that because they are bigger, stronger, and smarter that they are held at a higher standard, or "might is right".
Real Life Example: When the British traveled over to the America's to seek new land, they came and settled on Native American land. To relate this to the quote, the British left their "station" and went searching to other "stations". Put your feet in a soccer players shoes. If you leave your position and don't notify your teammate; then your team can get punished by the opposing team.  As soon as you leave, the other team notices your mistake and capitalizes on the mistake to lead to a goal.

The Pearl Quote

My quote was "The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell."

This quote meaning is that it's comparing the towns people in The Pearl as soldier sent by the lord to protect the castle and that they all have their  own positions and if they mess that up the a lot of problems will rise.

A real life example of this quote is working at a job and everyone having positions and if someone doesn't do their part then problems occur or someone else has to do two jobs and that can cause problems for that person.

This quote is important to the story because it can be compared to the football team and how the coach gave the players important roles to play.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Pearl quote

Mark Your Post!

"The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell." 

This quote means that every person, men and women, all have some type of God given purpose in this world.  This quote is a metaphor, where the world is like a castle and God is the king.  God has placed everyone in their own post and if they remove themselves from their post, problems will occur.
I feel like this quote is saying that if God gives you a purpose or a "post" that if you stay in that post, things will turn out alright.  If you leave your post, then things get complicated.  Now a days, our world gives us the image that we can try to be something more than what God has planned for us, but God gives us the life we have for a reason.  In the same sense, everyone has the potential to be whatever or whoever they want to be in life.
This is important to The Pearl because it tells about Kino and how his post is to fish as a fisherman, and to be poor and live in the grass.
A real life example of this quote could be a football team.  The coach, in this case, is God and the players are everyone in the world.  The coach puts the players in the specific positions he wants them in and if they leave that position, then it causes problems in the plays.









6TH 2016 L. Haase

 Juan Tomás nodded gravely. He was the elder, and Kino looked to him for wisdom. "It is hard to know," he said. "We do know that we are cheated from birth to the overcharge on our coffins. But we survive. You have defied not the pearl buyers, but the whole structure, the whole way of life, and I am afraid for you."

Kino against the system

  It says that almost everybody is greedy and you are cheated on for your whole life.
  Kino didn't just defy the pearl buyers but the whole system of the Indians being oppressed by the Mexicans and Spanish.

Strength and independence

  It is important because it shows Kino's strength and independence. He shows with that that he goes against the system with success. Unfortunately he might get in trouble for that.

Going against the system

  A real life example for this situation would be somebody that decides to go against the system and stops paying taxes and stops living a capitalistic life. These people are most of the time not liked by people trapped in the system because they think that the system is right and that the people in the system are supreme.

Facing Adversity in The Pearl

     Quote from The Pearl
     "Juan Tomás nodded gravely. He was the elder, and Kino looked to him for wisdom. "It is hard to know," he said. "We do know that we are cheated from birth to the overcharge on our coffins. But we survive.You have defied not the pearl buyers, but the whole structure, the whole way of life, and I am afraid for you."
 Being Inferior 
     I believe this quote is saying that Indians during this time were treated unfair and the Spanish felt the Indians were inferior. However, the Indians have learned to tolerate the lifestyle, so they can survive.

 This quote is important to the story because I believe it symbols one of the major themes of the story. The theme would be how inferior the Indians are treated and how important they are considered in society. 

     So far in chapters 1-4 I can tell that the Indians have a very different lifestyle than the Spaniards who are wealthy.  They fear being cheated because they are not educated in the way of reading and writing. They have more of oral type of communication and their emotions are expressed by music. Kino wishes to overcome this social society, and he wants his child to be educated and "know what is in the books."

     A real life example 
This could relate to the time of Kings, lords and peasants.  The lords could be related to the wealthier people who had everything they needed and luxuries. The peasants could be compared to the Indians, because they had to focus on survival and getting necessities like food, clothes, and shelter. Everyone had their own place in society and were told they were needed in that placement and there wasn't opportunities to move up in society. 

Trying to Keep What's Yours: The Pearl

6TH 2016
M. Surface 
The Pearl Quote

   The brothers, as they walked along, squinted their eyes a little, as they and their grandfathers and their great-grandfathers had done for four hundred years, since first the strangers came with argument and authority and gunpowder to back up both. And in the four hundred years Kino's people had learned only one defense - a slight slitting of the eyes and a slight tightening of the lips and a retirement. Nothing could break down this wall, and they could remain whole within the wall.

 This means that people came and tried to start wars with the Indians. The Indians had to learn keep their mouth shut because they didn't have the weapons that the other people had. The people that came to take over the land were fully equipped. The Indians didn't have the things that they did.
This is important to the story because it gives some background info and tells how it used to be when Kino's grandfather was young, and how it effected them and how it still effects Kino's life. 

A real life example would be when slavery existed. The black people had to learn to keep their mouths shut and not to disobey the white people. They were mistreated and had things taken from them. They faced a lot of problems just like the Indians.

The Pearl quote article- Erika W. /6th period

6TH  2016 E.WEBB

We Guard the universe

"The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell."

We, Americans, have a "castle" called the U.S.A and our military, along with different authoritative personnel,
have a multitude of jobs to keep up on to make our country safe. The military fight over seas to keep intruders from coming to attack. Policemen fight the bad guys off the streets to keep our cities and states safe. If these people stray away from those jobs, we lose our protection. 
The quote is basically saying that everyone was put in this world to protect some part of the universe and they must only protect their assigned part. If one person is unfaithful to his/her protected region, the universe will be in danger. 
The quote is significant to the story. It shows that everyone in the book has a meaning or purpose whether it is big or small. It shows that if a character doesn't live up to that meaning something could go wrong.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Pearl Qoute essay

"The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell.

This quote is important to the story because it is stating that everybody has a purpose to live in the universe. This quote is important to the story because it motivates the person that is reading the book. A real life example of this quote would be in Football where you have a pacific job weather it be going for a pass, defend the ball carrier, or try and make a tackle.

The Pearl quote essay

6th 2016 Chase Berry

Juan Tomás nodded gravely. He was the elder, and Kino looked to him for wisdom. "It is hard to know," he said. "We do know that we are cheated from birth to the overcharge on our coffins. But we survive.You have defied not the pearl buyers, but the whole structure, the whole way of life, and I am afraid for you.

 The choices that we make govern us for our entire lives

 The Quote's Importance: Up until now, the story has been about how something can drastically change a person and their life. The quote expresses Juan's fear for what the pearl has done done and might do to his brother. Kino's defiance toward the buyers is what sparks this fear inside Juan Tomas that bad things may transpire soon.

 The Quote's Meaning: It means that once you make a decision, you cannot go back and change it. As the wise Master Yoda once said "Once you go down the dark path, forever will it dominate you destiny". This is not only evident in a fiction world, it is also true in our lives. The choices we make will govern our existence from that point onward . Kino's brother fears the consequences of these actions
 will lead him down a path that he does not desire.

An example of the quote in real life: Whenever changes great or small happen in our lives, there are always consequences. We should be weary and think about our choices in life. They could make us better or corrupt use. The choice is ours to make because we will have to deal with it forever

The Pearl Quote Rough Draft

Quote Draft

6th Period 2016 Shane Sizemore

Juan Tomás nodded gravely. He was the elder, and Kino looked to him for wisdom. "It is hard to know," he said. "We do know that we are cheated from birth to the overcharge on our coffins. But we survive. You have defied not the pearl buyers, but the whole structure, the whole way of life, and I am afraid for you."
  This quote is very important to this story because without the discrimination factor in this story, there wouldn't be much of a story at all. The book is about finding and selling a pearl so Kino can escape poverty and humiliation. Take that out and there isn't much of a story left.
African Americans
  A real life example would be how many African Americans are discriminated against for something they had no control over.
Going Against What Is Taught
  This quote means that Kino and Tomas' people are discriminated against because of their race, something that is decided for them. However, Kino has went against what he was taught and defied the mans scam. Because of that people will be angry and Thomas is worried.