Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Pearl quote

Mark Your Post!

"The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell." 

This quote means that every person, men and women, all have some type of God given purpose in this world.  This quote is a metaphor, where the world is like a castle and God is the king.  God has placed everyone in their own post and if they remove themselves from their post, problems will occur.
I feel like this quote is saying that if God gives you a purpose or a "post" that if you stay in that post, things will turn out alright.  If you leave your post, then things get complicated.  Now a days, our world gives us the image that we can try to be something more than what God has planned for us, but God gives us the life we have for a reason.  In the same sense, everyone has the potential to be whatever or whoever they want to be in life.
This is important to The Pearl because it tells about Kino and how his post is to fish as a fisherman, and to be poor and live in the grass.
A real life example of this quote could be a football team.  The coach, in this case, is God and the players are everyone in the world.  The coach puts the players in the specific positions he wants them in and if they leave that position, then it causes problems in the plays.










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