Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Pearl quote essay

6th 2016 Chase Berry

Juan Tomás nodded gravely. He was the elder, and Kino looked to him for wisdom. "It is hard to know," he said. "We do know that we are cheated from birth to the overcharge on our coffins. But we survive.You have defied not the pearl buyers, but the whole structure, the whole way of life, and I am afraid for you.

 The choices that we make govern us for our entire lives

 The Quote's Importance: Up until now, the story has been about how something can drastically change a person and their life. The quote expresses Juan's fear for what the pearl has done done and might do to his brother. Kino's defiance toward the buyers is what sparks this fear inside Juan Tomas that bad things may transpire soon.

 The Quote's Meaning: It means that once you make a decision, you cannot go back and change it. As the wise Master Yoda once said "Once you go down the dark path, forever will it dominate you destiny". This is not only evident in a fiction world, it is also true in our lives. The choices we make will govern our existence from that point onward . Kino's brother fears the consequences of these actions
 will lead him down a path that he does not desire.

An example of the quote in real life: Whenever changes great or small happen in our lives, there are always consequences. We should be weary and think about our choices in life. They could make us better or corrupt use. The choice is ours to make because we will have to deal with it forever

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