Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Pearl quote article- Erika W. /6th period

6TH  2016 E.WEBB

We Guard the universe

"The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell."

We, Americans, have a "castle" called the U.S.A and our military, along with different authoritative personnel,
have a multitude of jobs to keep up on to make our country safe. The military fight over seas to keep intruders from coming to attack. Policemen fight the bad guys off the streets to keep our cities and states safe. If these people stray away from those jobs, we lose our protection. 
The quote is basically saying that everyone was put in this world to protect some part of the universe and they must only protect their assigned part. If one person is unfaithful to his/her protected region, the universe will be in danger. 
The quote is significant to the story. It shows that everyone in the book has a meaning or purpose whether it is big or small. It shows that if a character doesn't live up to that meaning something could go wrong.

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