Friday, October 7, 2016

The Pearl Quote

My quote was "The loss of the pearl was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station. And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the Universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assaults of Hell."

This quote meaning is that it's comparing the towns people in The Pearl as soldier sent by the lord to protect the castle and that they all have their  own positions and if they mess that up the a lot of problems will rise.

A real life example of this quote is working at a job and everyone having positions and if someone doesn't do their part then problems occur or someone else has to do two jobs and that can cause problems for that person.

This quote is important to the story because it can be compared to the football team and how the coach gave the players important roles to play.

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