Monday, March 5, 2018

Updated: March 03, 2017

Updated: Mar 16, 2017

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Allegory - A story where almost every detail (depending on the quality of the allegory) will represent a metaphor for interpretation


Lord of the Flies Vocabulary

Format for Chapter Responses LOTF:

  1. Choose a topic: Theme, Character (Character development = how has the character changed), Plot, Setting, Symbolism (Really, you can discuss the development of any of these as they change throughout the novel).
  2. Provide a short quote and page number.
  3. Discuss, analyze, or compare and contrast some aspect of your topic as it relates to your quote.
  4. Keep it short, sweet and concise (to the point). 
Lets create a picture in canva or the like, and keep track of what topics you've discussed.

There are Five topics, so we will try to have a post done for your choice of every other chapter.

Here is an example of the image we might use to keep track of our discussion:

Simply add checks and re-upload the image at the bottom of your post.

Friday, March 31, 2017

LOTF chp 11&12 Theme

In the last chapters of the Lord Of The Flies you can really start to see how bad the children are getting. Piggy has died due to Roger pushing a bolder over his head. The boys kidnapped Sam/And/Eric and are now trying to kill Ralph. The big message here that you get is that no matter how long you try to keep things in order after being out in the wild for so long you start to turn wild. And thats what the boys did. They turned wild until reality came and hit them in the heart.

LOTF Chp 5&6 Plot

Lord of the flies took place on an uninhabited island that a group of English
boys crashed onto. The boys selected a main leader named Ralph and a leader of the hunters named Jack. From the beginning it all went down him finding out that the boys wasn't keeping the signal fire alive to all the boys fighting. In the end a Navy Officer found the boys and gave them the rescue that they have forgotten about.

Monday, March 27, 2017


I don't have much past experiences with Shakespeare except for Romeo and Juliet. Growing up I always thought Romeo and Juliet was so amazing, but I was disappointed when I actually read it. I honestly thought it was kind of stupid. I thought it was supposed to be one of the greatest, most tragic, love stories of all time but after I read it my mind totally changed. I didn't like the movie or the book. I think Shakespeare is hard to understand, but very talented.

Shakespeare Thoughts

Dylan Massey
6th Period

          There are many things I enjoyed about Shakespeare and his work.  Mainly, I enjoyed the flow of his writing, and the fact that word after word it felt like there was a rhythm to his writing.  I liked the main ideas and plot of his writings, it seemed as if he experienced these situations himself.  However, there are some things I disliked about his work.  At times, it seemed that the story would drag on and never end.  His use of "Old English" wording in his stories were a little hard to understand at times, but nothing too difficult to get.  My past experiences with Shakespeare were only from last year with Mr. Alvarez.  We studied Romeo and Juliet, and we had many activities to fully understand the story.  All in all, Shakespeare is a pretty good topic to read and study.

Previous Shakespeare Experiences

I haven't had many experiences at all with Shakespeare other than just mentioning him. My only real experience with his work was last year in my English class and in my 8th grade English class. In 8th grade, we read a Shakespeare piece called "The Tell-Tale Heart." I thought it was good and I enjoyed it. Last year we studied Shakespeare a lot and even watched a documentary.

My Thoughts on Shakespeare

I have only had one past experience with Shakespeare. Last year in English class, Mr. Alvarez read through Romeo and Juliet with us and tried to make sense of the story. We also acted parts of it out in groups. Afterwards we watched the movie on it.

I enjoyed reading through the play; however, it was hard to understand. His diction was surrounded more around that time period, and differs with how we speak now. Although it took longer, his style of writing and interesting themes made it enjoyable.

Shakespere Thoughts

My thoughts about Shakespeare is he is a good writer. The thing I like about hi writing is that he makes interesting stories and plays. The thing I dislike about his writing is that he makes the passages that are difficult to read so you have to search things up to understand it. Overall he is a good writer.

Thoughts on Shakespeare

In my opinion, I don't particularly like Shakespeare because the way he puts his words together, just makes it hard for me to understand them and it makes it hard to understand what point he is trying to get across.  Although, I do like Shakespeare because when he writes for example, love stories like Romeo and Juliet, the way the story flows and the way he words the story just makes it interesting to read, and his storylines are amazing.  The only experience I have had with Shakespeare is I read Romeo and Juliet my freshman year in my English class.

Shakespeare?- Erika Webb 2017

     If I'm being completely honest, I don't know a lot about the guy. I've heard and learned a few things but nothing has really stuck with me. I'm excited to start learning about him in this class.
     We read Romeo and Juliet last year and it was a pretty good story. I was going through some things back then and I related to the story in some aspects. I enjoyed it a lot.

     The only thing that I didn't like about it was that it was a bit hard to understand. The language was very hard to comprehend. We ended up breaking the story down to make it easier to understand. It took us forever to get through it.

My Shakesperiance

I personally have had minimal experience with Shakespeare. From what I have read, I enjoy his work. His plays from what ive seen are always fantastic and always have something that leaves a lasting imprint on you. An example of this would be in Romeo and Juliet, the inception of Romeo and Juliet's deaths. That's one reason I enjoy Shakespeare. One reason I don't like Shakespeare is because of the type of English he uses and the wording. It can leave me blanked if I don't really follow and think about it. Of course this is a slight bit biased, I have only read some of Romeo and Juliet.

Lord of the Flies: Chapter 11 & 12 Response


The last two chapters of the book is the point where it is clear savagery has taken over. Piggy’s death symbolizes utter eradication of civilization upon the island. And the moment when Ralph retrieves the stick that the pig’s head was on to use as a spear, signals his descent as he is overtaken by savagery and violence. By the end scene everything on the island is in ruins. The author says that Ralph wept for the end of innocence and the darkness of man's heart; this is used to show the darkness and savagery that society has.

On page 202 it says, “And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy."


     I have had many past experience with Shakespeare. The most recent of which was last year in Mr.Turner's class. We read through and studied Romeo and Juliet. I liked the message that the story conveyed, and the history that is behind each story. The stories always contain a vivid narrative, but there are small details that are sometimes hard to spot. The only thing that a dislike about Shakespeare is the language. I know it is the truest form of English, we which slowly lost, but its hard to read sometimes. I feel though that through time, I will probably come to better read it.

Shakespeare Likes / Dislikes

Well I'll start with my dislikes about Shakespeare I feel like its just another Romeo and Juliet play except for Shakespeare creates his and such another dislike is that some of his plays are created into movies and acted completely different. Now my likes about Shakespeare is the man himself I believe falls in love in one of his movies they created which won Best Pictures. I mean that's all I can really say about liking him and not liking him at the same time.

Likes and dislikes of Shakespheare

"Oh Romeo, Oh Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?"

My favorite part of Shakespeare was last year with my favorite teacher, Ms. Doss. We acted Romeo and Juliet out in class and you already know I got the lead role of Romeo. It was all fun and games until Ms. Doss got triggered one day.

We had to write paragraphs on what we had read and she said "A paragraph should be like a skirt, short enough to keep it interesting, and long enough to cover the subject." At the time she wore very short skirts, so I decided to ask if that's why she wears skirts too short for her. She took offense to this well crafted joke and gave me lunch detention for it. I personally see nothing wrong with it, but apparently she did.

Thoughts on Shakespeare

   Although I have only been taught/read one play from Shakespeare, I really like his work. I think Romeo and Juliet was a story that no one else would have come up with. It takes true creativity and brilliance to create such an intricate story. His work, to me, is timeless and brilliant. I found Romeo and Juliet to be very interesting and the story is revolutionary. My favorite musical, 'West Side Story' is based off Romeo and Juliet and put into more modern times.
   The only trouble about Shakespeare is that when reading it, it's hard for me to comprehend. Because the plays and stories are so old, I don't understand some of the phrases and vocabulary used. I think it would be much more enjoyable to read if I could understand it. Also, when reading aloud, the words are sometimes hard to pronounce and I don't always get the full story. This is because a lot of the tale gets lost in translation. If his plays were put into modern day speech, I think I would be more comfortable with it.
   In spite of Shakespeare's work being hard for me to comprehend and put into my own words, I would rather have difficulty with it than not read it at all.  It would be a shame to miss out on great works of literature just because understanding it doesn't come easy. I'm excited to begin reading 'A Midsummer Nights Dream'. I look forward to reading another piece written by Shakespeare.
         I don't really like Shakespeare. It's hard for me to understand, and I hate when teachers make us read it out loud. There really isn't anything I like about Shakespeare, expect for Romeo and Juliet. I love their love story, even though it was hard to fully understand what had happened until we watched the movie. I am, however, excited to see if Shakespeare goes better this year, and to see if I can understand what is happening throughout the story without having to wait to watch movie to understand everything that had happened.
         With that being said, last year my teacher was very unorganized and not very good at explaining what had happened, or at explaining the grammar in Shakespeare. Besides that, I have no other past experiences with Shakespeare.

Likes/Dislikes on Shakespeare

     I haven't read much Shakespeare, but my 9th grade year  I did read Romeo and Juliet. In earlier years, we would go over some other plays and his history. I'm really excited to read Shakespeare's work and will continue to read more about him.

Image result for midsummer night's dream     The main thing that troubles me with Shakespeare is understanding it due to the way it's written. Since his writing time was in the past, the way it is written out is much different. I really have to analyze everything so it usually takes me a lot longer to read.

     I do really like all of his messages. I think his plays and stories are really complex and epic. I like the plot twists he seems to always have and I always love the characters he creates. He is a very popular and well known author. He makes people fall in love with what he does and he has a way of moving people. I'm really excited to read "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and I hope to read more Shakespeare in the future.

Thoughts On Shakespeare

I've only gone over Shakespeare twice but through these two times I have learned plenty. I don't like  the old style of writing and language that is used but the stories are phenomenal. Romeo and Juliet is one of the more commonly known works and conveys a story of "Two star-crossed lovers" who die because of their love. They were separated by a deep rivalry against their two houses so their love had to remain a secret. This however is the only work I have went over but still a very enjoyable one at that.

Likes: So far, the only work of Shakespeare I have went over was very enjoyable. I've seen multiple takes on it (West Side Story and a Modernized version) and I've enjoyed them all. With every different take it seems new and refreshing with an enjoyable and emotional story.

Dislikes: I don't like the "Old English" style of language but other than that I find it quite enjoyable.

Past Experiences With Shakespeare

I have only had one other experience with Shakespeare and it was terrible. The class was disrespectful and they would never shut up. I didn't find that specific work interesting, it was Romeo and Juliet, I'm not interested in very many of Shakespeare's work. I don't like the style that it is written in and I have trouble reading the words how they are written, I always find myself trying to correct the words to where they are written normal in my mind. To be honest I'm quite nervous to read Shakespeare because of this.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Lord of the Flies: Chapter 6


Chapter 6, Beast from Air, is the chapter when the pilot falls to the island. The boys mistake it for the beast because the breeze inflates the parachute occasionally causing it to seem like the rise and fall of the beast’s breath.

And Ralph prompts an expedition to the far side of the island, Castle Rock. Piggy and the littluns stay on the beach while the other boys go explore. After discovering that there is no beast there the boys stay to play for a while. Finally Ralph says that they boys need to go back to check on the fire.

On pages 102 and 103 it says, “ ‘There’s only- but of course! You remember? The tailend part, where the rocks are all piled up. I’ve been near there. The rock makes a sort of bridge. There’s only one way up.’ ‘And the thing might live there.’ All the assembly talked at once. ‘Quite! All right. That’s where we’ll look. If the beast isn’t there we’ll go up the mountain and look; and light the fire.’ “

Chapter 12

His voice was thick. His throat was hurting him now though it had received no wound.
"I came to see you two----"
Words could not express the dull pain of these things.
He fell silent, while the vivid stars were split and danced all ways.
Sam shifted uneasily.
"Honest, Ralph, you'd better go."
Ralph looked up again.
"You two aren't painted, How can you--? If it were light--" ( Pg. 188 )

The reason why I picked this quote out was because Sam was telling Ralph to leave that he better go I believe Sam was trying to tell him that he wasn't safe there and that he was just unwanted. I'm glad I picked this quote because it show's that Ralph need's to stand up towards Jack and his tribe.

LOTF Setting

So, this little summary of the setting isn’t just about a particular chapter, but it is just Lord of the Flies itself.  Lord of the Flies takes place on an island in the pacific.  These british schoolboys are stranded on an island that is deserted, with no adults on it.  This island is tropical and has a jungle, beaches and mountains.  Throughout the book, the setting is on different parts of the island.  Each chapter is in a different place on the island.

“Maybe there is a beast… maybe it's only us.”

LOTF Ch 11&12 Response: Themes

"The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist. "

Intelligence, reason, and civil order are destroyed in Chapter 11 of Lord of the Flies. Not only does the character that represents intelligence and reason get killed, the symbol or civil law and order is shattered. The thing that destroys both these things simultaneously is someone that doesn't abide by the laws of society, Roger the psychopath. Psychopaths don't abide by the rules of society and in this case are the force that destroys the last remnants of society.

Savagery is the new law of the land and there is only one boy left to oppose it, Ralph, and he's not in the best position to overthrow it at the moment seeing as he is the only civilized person left.

Simon: Rest is Spaghetti, Never Forgetti

Simon's untimely death in Chapter 9 of Lord of The Flies is a classic example of subverting expectations, a classic literary trope. You're set up to believe that Simon will tell the other boys the true nature of the beast and then it all comes crashing down, just like Simon does off a cliff. Your empathy makes you hope that everything works out fine, the boys solve their differences and get rescued. Meanwhile on the other hand your cynicism that has been built up over the events of the book tells you other wise. You know something bad is going to happen deep down, especially after The Lord of the Flies's ominous message, but you don't know exactly what and you aren't really expecting it.
It's the crucible in which the rest of the story is forged by. The spiritual figure is betrayed after coming down from a meeting with a deity on a mountain. Sound familiar? He wasn't crucified and I doubt that Simon will return three days later but it does draw about several biblical comparisons.