Wednesday, January 4, 2017

2016 to 2017

2016 was terrible for everyone and I am sure everyone's  saying how there going to leave friends, memories, or drama behind, but I don't believe it everyone is still going to talk to that person, remember what happened, or start an argument. So I am not going to lie to myself because I am not leaving nothing in 2016. I am taking everything with me so they can teach me more lessons and help me understand why what happened, and help me move on to make 2017 better.

2016 Is Behind Us

What we left in 2016 was both good and bad. We left comical things like Harambe, Damn Daniel, and PPAP behind us, along with Prince and the presidential election which was and still is very controversial. That's what we left behind us in 2016.

 I also hope that the feminists who are nothing but men-haters are proven wrong to the point that they except that not every man is a potential rapist. I personally need to do homework a lot more in order to get my grades higher. That is what I want to happen and accomplish in 2017.

Resolutions or Not

I didn't really leave anything behind in 2016 because I didn't have a whole lot to leave behind. In 2017 I am looking forward to new books and new opportunities. I love to read and I am always looking forward to new books. I read all the time and I am finishing books all the time.

 I have new friends and I am looking forward to the near future and what is in store. I want to make more friends and get lots of new books to read. I will always want to read books and I will always want to have friends.


I'm leaving all the dead memes behind. All the hypocrisy, immaturity, and overall utter BS. 2016 was fine but it just didn't live up to the impossible to meet expectations of the masses. Everyone starts off the year saying that it's going to be the best year ever and the hated phrase "new year, new me" and then they're disappointed becouse it wasn't perfect. It's better than the dark ages. We have life spans over 40 years and penicillin.
People died. People lost. Others lived. Others won. 2017 will be "better" because everyone's expectations are so low after last year. Just like if you saw a movie that wasn't competent, and then saw an Adam Sandler "film", you'd praise it becouse it at least had good lighting, sound, and a camera. That'll probably be 2017.

2016 to 2017

2016 had its ups and downs. There was a lot of loss the past year with many iconic figures like, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds. Alan Rickman, Prince, and Anton Yelchin dying. I also left many people in my everyday life back in 2016. People who used to be my friends but turned out to simply
be negative influences on my life. People that I didn't need and were bringing me down.

Personally, I'm excited for the new year. In the spring, one of my short story will be published in the Anthology of Appalachian Writers along with hundreds of other upcoming authors. Its one of the biggest opportunities I have had, and I am extremely excited about it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Glass Half Full

During every year, there are good and bad events. I don't consider any year a horrible year, because 365 days is almost always a composition of good and bad moments for most people. What really makes a difference is your outlook on things. Entering new year, I will try to look at my life in a more positive light. God has a plan for the lives of all people, so anything that may seem like a travesty now, may only turn out to be a bump in the road on your path to success. Something that I hope we can all learn to leave behind us in 2017 is feeling entitled and feeling as though the year owes us something. Life does not owe anything to us, nor is it responsible for the things going on with us from day to day. God is responsible for that, and we are responsible for our reactions. Perhaps if we improved our reactions and our attitudes, life would seem more enjoyable. Throughout this period of time, I have felt an array of different emotions. Whether to focus on the better parts of my year or not is my decision. I have chosen to view the glass half full rather then complaining about the times that were unsatisfactory, or even devastating. Going into 2017, I'm choosing to focus on the things that I've been able to overcome in the past. God has a reason for keeping me here and putting me through any struggle that I may encounter. Life is what you make it, so I like to look at it as a journey. Rather than labeling this chunk in my journey as good or bad, I've accepted it for what it is and moved on.

The No Man Sky of Years

What I want to leave in 2016 is the fake people. The other things I want to drop is the criticism. I also want to have a moment for the memes we lost. We lost a lot of celebrities that had a big impact in the world. In 2016 we lost a gorilla that impacted the meme world. That gorillas name was Harambe. The video games of 2016 that were supposed to be good ended up being a lie. One of the games were No Man Sky and that ended up being a complete waste of money. The chance of finding another player in the game was the same chance of me stop eating candy. Never!!!! 2016 has some ups and downs and I understand where people are getting upset. The thing that I did not like to hear was that the world would change in 2017. The World is not going to change it is going to be the same.

IN 2017 it will be a good year for memes!!!! Something else in 2017 the people who made the american people mad needs to get their stuff together.

My opinion is that 2016 was okay it was not the greatest year but it was not the worst year. For the people who complained about 2016 stop posting the stuff you hate on the internet. Get off your butt and change it! How you think something is going to be that is the outcome.

In 2016 so many things have happened. A lot of stuff that i'd like to forget and never remember again. I lost my best friend, my step brother passed away, and I started dealing with Anxiety and Depression. Those are just some of the things i'd like to move past and not remember in 2017. Although I more than likely will not be able to forget these things, I still want to try to move past them in 2017.  I'd want to leave all bad memories of 2016 in 2016 and just look forward to 2017. I would like to try and be healthier in 2017. I want to exercise more and eat healthier foods. I want 2017 to be better than 2016 was and I am going to make sure that it is. So basically I want to leave all negativity in 2016, and focus on the future and stay positive for 2017.

Good Bye Skies of Gray, Hello Skies of Blue

2016. What is the worst year yet? To some, 2016 was miserable. As for me, 2016 was on of the best years of my life. I tried new things, went to places I had never been to, and I learned how to drive. 2016 was fill with memories of laughter. There were more happy moments, than sad. I accomplished many things. I scored the best goal of my soccer career, and I got 4th in top 10 plays of the week. I was the only soccer player, and the only female. I also coached a U8 soccer team, and we won the championship. I made many new friends, and lost some ones I didn't need to have. My favorite part of 2016 was definitely prom. It was so fun, and I loved my dress. It was great night with all my friends. My plans for 2017 are to get abs. That's my only goal. Besides that, I'm just going with the flow, just like 2016. I can only hope it's filled with laughter and smiles.

2016 into 2017

You could say 2016 was one chaotic year, but for me it was one great year.  I'm unfortunately leaving behind moments and memories that were some of the best I have ever experienced.  The high school soccer team is where most of these memories happen.  Leaving behind a winning season and one of the best seasons this school is known for.  Leaving behind the title of sectional champions, and on a good note, leaving behind our regional loss.  Finally, I'm leaving behind the seniors on a team full of brothers that would jump in front of a bus for each other.

What I want in 2017 is to make all those memories come back but better this time.  I want a second chance to change our mistakes that we made.  I want to have an even better season where we have increased team chemistry.  I want to get passed sectionals, overcome regionals, and finally do what we were supposed to do, be state champions.  However, most importantly, I want to make the seniors proud and be apart of the same team of brothers.  Let's see what 2017 has in store for us.

2K16 vs 2K17

In 2016 I lost many things but hope to gain many more in 2017.

2016 is Behind Us

We left behind memes such as Harambe and PPAP. We lost actors such as Carrie Fisher. We are now preparing for our new president to take place of our current president, Barack Obama. 

We are preparing to get Trump as our newest president. We are also looking forward to new memes which will entertain us for a long time. Also, i'm personally looking forward to the new movies that will be released this year like another addition to the Star Wars series.

Reaching Goals

     This year I have made lots of memories and met new people. I've had adventures and experienced new feelings. I've experienced laughter, happiness, sadness, excitement, nervousness, stress, and I've pushed myself to try new things. I think all the fears and stressful things I conquered made me a better person.  This is the year I pushed myself to try new things and I'm very glad I did. Im leaving behind any worries and stress in 2016.

In 2017, I want to continue to change for the good and remember to be grateful for my life and the people in it. I want to stay focused on my goals while also making time for the ones I love and being happy. I always will want to improve myself and move forward in my life. This year I hope for a successful, happy, and healthy life for myself, the people I love, and others wanting to improve themselves and the world around them.

My Position On 2016

I have very mixed emotions on 2016. We lost many idols, many people died, Donald Trump won the election that was filled with hatred and lies. 2017 is a new year, one good thing is we still have Betty White. 2017 Has massive potential for the whole world. With an interesting president in office and the whole world shaken up by 2016.  I don't want to have expectations because the whole world could change radically in a day. Regardless of what happens the sun will rise tomorrow and time will go on.

2016 to 2017

Well what did I leave in 2016? That's a really really good question.

First off I want to say is that I thank half of the people who I thought were my friends I've noticed who are real and who are fake. I have left all of those people behind me and started finding different and better people.

Another thing is I've left all my problems and drama behind me because this is my second year of high school and I don't feel like being brought down. 2016 was been the hardest for me because I lost my best friend but that's okay. I have a new best friend and I'm truly blessed to have her in my life. 

I know that in 2017 I will be doing so much better meaning that I will be doing a lot more sports and getting my grades back up because they are beyond HORRIBLE. But thats fine I know that I can get my old self back hopefully 2017 is better than 2016 I'm hoping that things will change for the better.

From 2016 to 2017

I'm leaving a lot of bad memories in 2016.  I'm leaving the two times my Papaw got cancer, I'm leaving the time my other grandpa got cancer.  I'm leaving all of the problems my Dad has caused for me and my sister between our family.  I'm leaving losing a woman I've known my whole life to a very fast death from cancer.

I am leaving a lot behind that I wish had never happened but I know that things happen in life and I can't do anything to stop them from happening.  Although some good things have happened in 2016.  My freshman year of high school I did very well in school I kept a 4.0 the whole year which was exciting.  The start of sophomore year started off great and now off-season softball is starting, so I'm very excited about playing softball again.  Earlier this year, I got to see my favorite band in concert that I had been waiting for forever, Panic! At the Disco, so I was so very happy about that.

In 2017, I want to first off make the softball team for my school and play my best on the field.  I also want to continue trying to change someone's life through the work I do for FCA.  Next school term, which will start in the fall, I plan to be in the nursing program at Vo-tech so I can begin learning about my career I have chosen to do in life. In 2017 I just want to make it a good year, or at least try to, because if I don't try to make it a good year then it won't be so I think that is the main thing is to just make the best out of 2017.

Out with the old, in with the new

In 2016 I gained multiple things, but now that it's 2017, it's time to drop some things. First off, drop all of the negative people that are dragging me down as they aren't helping with my success. Next, it wouldn't be bad for me to drop stop with the bad habits such as laziness and procrastination. And finally, I intend to stop having an attitude all of the time.

It's now time to talk about the things that I want to keep in this new 2017. First, I want to keep up my good grades and 4.0 GPA. Next, I intend to stay close with all of my good friends. Finally, I would like to continue to be myself and not pretend to be anyone that I'm not.

Leaving it all behind and moving forward

Leaving it all behind and moving forward. To be honest if I could leave me entire life in 2016, I would. Last year kinda sucked for me, so my plans are to leave all of the stress and depression behind. My sister got cancer last year and thats been a pretty big burden in my life. It has affected me in so many ways. It affects my school life, my metal stability, and my social life. I want to leave that unbalance in my life behind. For 2017 I look forward to finally finding a balance in my life. My sister will hopefully be cancer free soon and I hope to have our family be happy and whole again. I can't wait to move on in my school life. I'll be one step closer to graduating. Most importantly, I can't wait to see how the year plays out for the entire world.