Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Glass Half Full

During every year, there are good and bad events. I don't consider any year a horrible year, because 365 days is almost always a composition of good and bad moments for most people. What really makes a difference is your outlook on things. Entering new year, I will try to look at my life in a more positive light. God has a plan for the lives of all people, so anything that may seem like a travesty now, may only turn out to be a bump in the road on your path to success. Something that I hope we can all learn to leave behind us in 2017 is feeling entitled and feeling as though the year owes us something. Life does not owe anything to us, nor is it responsible for the things going on with us from day to day. God is responsible for that, and we are responsible for our reactions. Perhaps if we improved our reactions and our attitudes, life would seem more enjoyable. Throughout this period of time, I have felt an array of different emotions. Whether to focus on the better parts of my year or not is my decision. I have chosen to view the glass half full rather then complaining about the times that were unsatisfactory, or even devastating. Going into 2017, I'm choosing to focus on the things that I've been able to overcome in the past. God has a reason for keeping me here and putting me through any struggle that I may encounter. Life is what you make it, so I like to look at it as a journey. Rather than labeling this chunk in my journey as good or bad, I've accepted it for what it is and moved on.

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