Thursday, March 16, 2017

A response to Simon's death

In chapter 9, the savage side of all the kids on the island showed their true colors. This is when the book took a major turn in events.

Simon's death was caused by a thirst for blood by every kid stranded on that island, excluding Piggy and Ralph. To me, this symbolized what would happen to society if people would do whatever pleased them at any time they wanted.

Think about it, what if 320 million people in the United States did whatever they wanted whenever they wanted to. It would be chaos and our way of life that we know it as would decay very quickly, don't you think?

I think people on the island started to do whatever they pleased and that, in turn, lead to the brutal murder of Simon. The same that if people in our society did that, it would lead to very bad consequences to our society.

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