Monday, March 20, 2017

Piggy's Death

"The rock stuck Piggy a glancing blow from the chin to the knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist."            

                Piggy had a tragic ending. Roger hit a rock and it landed onto Piggy. Piggy was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Roger saw him and Ralph standing there, and then rolled the rock down on to where the boys were standing. His head exploded and his body went into the ocean. The rock also broke the conch. 
       I think Ralph took Piggy for granted. Ralph realized how much he needed Piggy after he was gone. Piggy always had Ralph's back. He supported them from the very beginning, and throughout the whole book. Ralph tried to get Sam and Eric to help him, but they couldn't. They were scared of Jack . They had to survive, too.
         I think the theme of Piggy's Death and Ralph trying to hide is desperation. Ralph desperately need Sam and Eric's help, but Sam and Eric desperately couldn't help them for their survival. They had to put themselves before Ralph in order for them to survive. 

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