Friday, March 3, 2017

Lord of the Flies Themes

Lord of the Flies Themes
Marisa Montgomery
Period 6

"Jack began to dance and his laughter became bloodthirsty snarling."

   A theme from Lord of the Flies that seems to frequently resurface is the difficulty the boys have with distinguishing the difference between proper civilization and savagery. They try to establish rules and create a civilization, but it is often thrown to the wind. The conch, which is meant to give a sense of order, is seldom respected or used in the correct way. The rules, like keeping the signal fire going in the case of rescue, are quickly discarded. They all talk about wanting to be rescued, yet there are only a few of them who put in an effort to make this happen. They're slowing turning into bloodthirsty savages and they don't even realize it.

   They also do things that seem reasonable, but they have the wrong motive behind it. When Jack paints his face to go hunt the pig, his motive is wrong. He becomes bloodthirsty and wants to kill instead of wanting to feed all of the boys. These young people are slowly turning away from civilization and turning away from what they know is right.

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