Thursday, March 16, 2017

LOTF Chapter 5 Plot: 3rd response

Ralph paces the beach, planning what he’ll say at the meeting and wishing he could think as well as Piggy can.  Finally, he blows the conch.  The boys gather around and listen to Ralph.  Ralph explains that the meeting is about setting things straight, it was a very serious discussion.  Ralph pointed out all of the things the boys said they would do but didn’t, like storing water, building shelters, and keeping the signal fire going.  He said the fire is the most important thing on the island.  Jack stands up and reaches for the conch so he can have a turn to talk, but Ralph refuses to hand it to him so Jack sits back down.  Ralph noticed that people were beginning to become afraid.  Ralph doesn’t know why, but he feels like they should talk about their fears to be able to overcome them.

He lost himself in a maze of thoughts that were rendered vague by his lack of words to express them. Frowning, he tried again. This meeting must not be fun, but business."

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