Monday, March 20, 2017

Rest In Pieces Piggy

Marisa Montgomery
Chapter Eleven Response
Period 6

“I just take the conch to say this. I can’t see no more and I got to get my glasses back. Awful things has been done on this island. I voted for you for chief. He’s the only one who ever got anything done. So now you speak, Ralph, and tell us what. Or else –”

This is the falling point of the plot. Piggy's death symbolizes the death of all rational thinking on the island. Piggy was the thinker, the person who came up with the logical solutions. From the very beginning, Piggy was the one to focus on getting rescued rather than having fun. Now, the most important principle is shattered, along with the couch and Piggy's head. Now, nothing is stopping them from having 'fun'. There is no voice of reason on their shoulder, and they have killed their conscience.
    Along with Roger smashing Piggy's head, the conch is also shattered. In this chapter, law and order is officially done away with. Jack and his boys will in now way listen to any voice of reason or rules. This is portrayed by the conch being shattered and Piggy being murdered. Sam and Eric have been restricted, and now there is only Ralph left that is not yet a savage.
    All of the boys except for Ralph, Sam, and Eric, are now painted. Soon, Sam and Eric will be too. Almost all of the boys have been covered with darkness and completely taken over by their inner beast. They show no remorse or sorrow for what happened to Piggy. They've entirely destroyed all of the wisdom, reason, authority, law, order, and goodness on this island. Their one and only priority is having fun, because that is all they have left. They don't even consider thinking about what could be done to be rescued. Meanwhile, Ralph is trying to stay alive, because that's all he has left.

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