Monday, March 13, 2017

Chapter 5/6 Response

Marisa Montgomery
Period 6
Symbolism Response

   In chapter six, the boys are frightened because there is supposedly a beast on the mountain. From the beginning, Simon doesn't buy it. He imagines "a picture of a human, at once heroic and sick". Simon is very thoughtful and wise, as well as the symbol for wisdom, religion, and goodness. This is not the first time Simon has suggested that there is nothing to be afraid of on the island but the boys themselves. During the meeting in chapter five, Simon suggested, "What I mean is... maybe it's only us." Once again in chapter six, Simon is wise in his suggestion that the beast is human.
   Perhaps the dead body on the parachute is a symbol for the boys. This body is supposedly the beast, yet it is only human. Just as the boys are only human and were once heroic, like Simon had
suggested. The boys are all a bit, if not a lot, frightened of this beast on the mountain. However, they are all scared of a mere human being. The only thing to be afraid of is a human, and that is what they are. They might have more beast in them than any pig or creature that they can come up with.

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